Vote for Dr. Bernadine Bank
- Washington’s primary election is on August 6, 2024 . All registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail. Ballots begin being mailed out a month before the election.
- Your ballot must be postmarked or dropped in a ballot box, or delivered to a voting center, by August 6, 2024.
- Not registered to vote in Washington yet? You can register by clicking here. The last day to register online is July 28, 2024. You can register by mail, but your registration must be received by July 28, 2024. (To be safe, mail prior to July 20). Not sure if it will arrive on time? You may register in person up to August 6.
- Check your voter registration location etc here.
- Find your nearest ballot drop box or voting center.
- Don’t forget: you can register and vote on the same day!